Heritage HCS is a Medicaid Waiver Program Provider that provides a variety of services to people with developmental challenges. Our philosophy is to integrate our consumers into the community and offer them a comfortable, congenial environment with all the necessary services, thereby facilitating a true quality of life.
Heritage safeguards the welfare and dignity of our consumers by ensuring our staff is well trained and qualified. We endeavor to foster an environment of opportunity and choice because we feel that both are critical in individual growth and development.
Our Services begin with “Person Directed Planning”, a process that focuses on the strengths and capabilities of an individual in order to create a vision of an ideal future. We realize that whatever their limitations, people still desire to live as full and productive a life as possible. We provide services based on choices designed to meet both needs and wants. We encourage community participation by accessing and contracting with various community sources.
- Foster/ Host/ Companion Care
- Day Habilitation
- Community Supports
- Nursing
- Adaptive aids and Minor Home Modifications
Stay in touch.
Send us a quick message if you have further questions about us and our services.